It was all done with paper puppets, after effects sets and a bit of 3D here and there.
We’re proud of the style on this one! Next year we'll work harder to get the story across.
Toowit Toowoo Intro from Toowit Toowoo on Vimeo.
Toowit Toowoo Intro from Toowit Toowoo on Vimeo.
Toowit Toowoo Intro from Toowit Toowoo on Vimeo.
// define the command strings
string $pressCmd = "if( `popupMenu -exists tempMM` ) deleteUI tempMM;popupMenu -sh 1 -mm 1 -b 1 -aob 0 -p viewPanes -pmc buildShelvesMM tempMM";
string $releaseCmd = "MarkingMenuPopDown;";
// create the runTimeCommands. this isn't absolutely necessary, but it gives the hotkey
// a real command attachment so it can be seen and edited in the hotkey Editor:
runTimeCommand -ann "Press hotkey for shelf MM" -category "User Marking Menus" -c $pressCmd "hkShelfMMpress";
runTimeCommand -ann "Release hotkey for shelf MM" -category "User Marking Menus" -c $releaseCmd "hkShelfMMrelease";
// create the nameCommands (this is what the hotkey attaches to):
nameCommand -ann "hkShelfMMpress" -c "hkShelfMMpress" "hkShelfMMpressNameCommand";
nameCommand -ann "hkShelfMMrelease" -c "hkShelfMMrelease" "hkShelfMMreleaseNameCommand";
// define the actual hotkeys:
hotkey -keyShortcut "X" -n "hkShelfMMpressNameCommand"; // SHIFT-X
hotkey -keyShortcut "X" -rn "hkShelfMMreleaseNameCommand"; // SHIFT-X
//----------------------- if( `popupMenu -exists tempMM` ) deleteUI tempMM; popupMenu -sh 1 -mm 1 -b 1 -aob 0 -p viewPanes -pmc "buildShelvesMM" tempMM; //-----------------------
//----------------------- MarkingMenuPopDown; //-----------------------
// uses the internal tempMM to display all your shelves
// and their contents on a hotkeyed Marking Menu
// Original Script - Naughty Nathan - 24/03/10
// Disabled shelves not loaded from marking menu - Leon Woud 25/03/10
global proc buildShelvesMM()
menu -e -dai tempMM;
global string $gShelfTopLevel;
if (!`tabLayout -ex $gShelfTopLevel`)
menuItem -en 0 -l "Global ShelfLayout does not exist!";
string $shelves[] = `shelfTabLayout -q -ca $gShelfTopLevel`;
for ($shelf in $shelves)
string $buttons[] = `shelfLayout -q -ca $shelf`;
if (`size($buttons)`)
menuItem -sm 1 -l $shelf;
for ($button in $buttons)
string $label = `shelfButton -q -l $button`;
string $cmd = `shelfButton -q -c $button`;
menuItem -l $label -c $cmd;
setParent -m ..;
setParent -m ..;
We're doing an unprecedented viral test marketing campaign where your success in sharing this offer will allow you and others to get our amazing award winning animation and rendering software ( messiahStudio5 ) for the unheard of price of just $10 (regularly $499) or choose the Pro version for just $40 (regularly $1195). When this experiment ends, the prices will return to normal.
This is the same software that studios and individuals, in more than 60 countries of the world, have been using to create visual effects for some of your favorite movies, commercials, games and music videos; and now you can get it at a no excuses price, if you "Dare To Share™". People using our software have been nominated for Academy Awards, and changed their lives creating things they'd never thought possible on their own. CG Animated Features, Visual Effects, Consumer Product and Architectural Visualization, Simulation, Plugin Development, Smart Phone App Animation and Game Development Export; What will you do?
Everyone needs a chance to show what they can do. That chance is more often limited by money; maybe that's you, maybe that's someone you know; a parent, a friend, some students of yours. We got a chance to prove what we could do starting out, and now we're giving one to you. It's the best deal we've ever offered, and a chance you'll probably never have again. Order now to reserve your copy; we will accept no crying if you miss out : )
Rules: Everyone can only receive their license when the goal is met. That's your incentive to spread the word and share the offer.
This offer is open to: Individuals, small businesses, hobbyists, starving artists, the unemployed, schools, students, CG studios, game developers, plugin developers, architects, tinkerers, compositors and aspiring movie makers, in any country. Limit 4 copies per customer, mix and match.
We will update the progress bar so you can see where you're at in reaching that goal. When the bar reaches the end, we will close out the offer and no further orders will be allowed; no exceptions. In the event the goal is not met, we will simply refund everyone. Whether you get the software for this amazing price is up to you, and how well you get the word out.
If you need to purchase licenses of the software to use right now for a project, you can purchase them normally HERE -> Buy Normal, and if the goal is met from this offer, you will be refunded the difference in price between the equivalent version you purchased, and the Dare To Share™ special.